Dear guest,
Thank you for choosing our Business Hotel ASTRUM Laus**** to arrange required services. Our aim is to provide you with highest quality services and make your stay in our hotel as pleasant as possible.
1.1. For the purpose of the General Terms and Conditions, the following words and terms will have the following meaning:
1.1.1. “Hotel” shall mean Business Hotel ASTRUM Laus****, P. O. Hviezdoslava 5859/2A, 934 01 Levice, Slovakia.
1.1.2. “Gastro services” shall mean catering, restaurant, café and lobby bar services.
1.1.3. “Client” is each natural person or legal entity who enters into contract with the Operator subject of which is provision of services in the Hotel.
1.1.4. “Operator” is the Hotel Operator and/or the Gastro Operator.
1.1.5. “Gastro Operator” is JS Concept s.r.o., with the principal place of business at Budatínska 16, 851 04 Bratislava – mestská časť Petržalka, company ID: 52 849 970, incorporated in the Companies Register of District Court Trenčín, Section: Sro, File No.: 39631/R.
1.1.6. “Hotel Operator” is FORESPO PÁLENICA a. s., with the principal place of business at Karloveská 34, 841 04 Bratislava, company ID: 47 232 978, incorporated in the Companies Register of District Court Bratislava I., Section: Sa, File No.: 5225/B.
1.1.7. “Services” shall mean Gastro Services and/or Accommodation Services.
1.1.8. “Accommodation services” shall mean the accommodation services with the spa complementary service.
1.1.9. “GTC“ shall mean these General Terms and Conditions.
1.1.10. “Contracting Party” is the Operator or the Client.
1.1.11. “Contracting Parties” shall mean together the Operator and the Client.
1.2. The GTC govern legal relations:
1.2.1. between the Hotel Operator providing Accommodation Services in the Hotel and the Client to whom the Accommodation Services are provided in the Hotel, and/or
1.2.2. between the Gastro Operator providing Gastro Services in the Hotel and the Client to whom the Gastro Services are provided in the Hotel.
1.3. These GTC make an integral part of each contract and/or agreement based on which the Operator provides the Client with Services and the Client is obliged to pay the agreed remuneration, and they are binding for the legal relation participants from the moment of agreement on the ordered services. The GTC are valid for all kinds of contracts, including but not limited to contracts for booking of accommodation, contract for accommodation, contracts for organisation of sports, cultural and/or social events, as well as contracts for provision of catering (hereinafter referred to as “Contract”). The GTC apply also to all consequential contract relations between the Contracting Parties. The GTC do not apply to those contractual relations where their application is explicitly excluded in the Contract.
1.4. These GTC are available at the website of the Hotel and at the reception of the Hotel.
2.1. Unless specifically agreed otherwise, the Contract is concluded on the day of confirmation of written or oral order or by the booking of the Client by the Operator.
2.2. By the conclusion of the Contract, the Operator is obliged to provide the Client with the ordered Services in the agreed scope and agreed quality.
2.3. In case of discrepancy between the GTC and the Contract contents, the Contract contents shall prevail.
2.4. The Client’s General Terms and Conditions shall not apply to the legal relation between the Operator and the Client, the subject of which is provision of Services in the Hotel, unless their use is explicitly confirmed by the Operator in the Contract.
3.1. The Hotel Operator provides the Client with rooms solely for accommodation.
3.2. The accommodation price is governed by the confirmed order, otherwise by the valid pricelist available at the Hotel reception.
3.3. In case of group bookings and/or orders (i.e. bookings and orders of accommodation in 10 or more rooms for at least one night), the Operator is entitled to require an advance payment for the accommodation amounting to 100% of the price of the ordered/booked accommodation.
3.4. The Client is responsible for all damage caused to the Hotel Operator by the Client or third parties to whom the performance was provided by the Hotel Operator based on the contract relation with the Client.
3.5. The Client has no legal claim to use any particular room.
3.6. Unless agreed otherwise by the Hotel Operator and the Client in any particular case, the rooms booked for the Client are available on the day of arrival from
2 p.m.
3.7. Unless agreed otherwise by the Hotel Operator and the Client in any particular case, the Client is obliged to vacate the room on the departure day not later than on 10 a.m. In case that the Client clears the room for the Hotel Operator after this time, the Operator is entitled to request a fee from the Client for late checkout amounted to 100% of the accommodation price in the given room per night (pricelist price). The Hotel Operator’s right to claim a damage compensation in the full scope is not affected thereby. Payment of the late checkout fee by the Client does not result in the right of use of the room for the following night.
3.8. If the Client asks for extending of the duration of his/her accommodation in the Hotel, the Hotel may offer him/her another room than the one where he/she was originally staying in.
3.9. Confirmed bookings of accommodation are binding both for the Hotel Operator and the Client and are considered as concluded Contract. In case of cancellation of the booking, either partially or fully, by the Client, or shortening of the stay by the Client, the Hotel Operator is entitled to require the Client to pay the cancellation fee as follows:
A. In case of individual orders:
i. If the booking is cancelled earlier than three days before commencement of the accommodation, i.e. before midnight of the fourth day before commencement of the accommodation, the cancellation fee amounts to EUR 0;
ii. If the booking is cancelled later than three days before commencement of the accommodation, i.e. from 0:01 of the third day before commencement of the accommodation, the cancellation fee amounts to 100% of the price of the ordered (and by the Contract confirmed) services or the price of the cancelled part of the ordered (and by the Contract confirmed) services stated in the confirmed booking;
B. In case of group orders, i.e. in case of order of 10 or more rooms for at least one night:
i. If the booking is cancelled earlier than three days before commencement of the accommodation, i.e. before midnight of the fourth day before commencement of the accommodation, the cancellation fee amounts to EUR 0;
ii. If the booking is cancelled later than three days before commencement of the accommodation, i.e. from 0:01 of the third day before commencement of the accommodation, the cancellation fee amounts to 100% of the price of the ordered (and by the Contract confirmed) services or the price of the cancelled part of the ordered (and by the Contract confirmed) services stated in the confirmed booking;
3.10. The stay of the Client in the Hotel is governed by the Accommodation Rules of the Hotel.
4.1. The Hotel has personnel, technical and spatial conditions for organisation of cultural, social and educational events as a congress, training, wedding, party, sport club camp (hereinafter referred to as “Event”).
4.2. If Gastro Services prevail within the Event, the Gastro Operator is the Operator of the entire Event; otherwise the Hotel Operator is the Operator of the entire Event.
4.3. To be able to arrange provision of services connected with the Event by the Operator, the Client shall give all necessary information, especially number of participants of the Event, not later than 5 days before the start of the Event. If – after confirmation of the order (conclusion of the Contract) – the Client announces a higher number of participants than stated in the Contract, this higher number of participants will be included in the Contract only if approved by the Operator. If the Operator does not agree with the increased number of participants, the Client is not entitled to organise the event with a higher number of participants than stated in the Contract. The Client has no legal claim for the Operator’s approval according to the second sentence of this paragraph. The Operator is entitled for remuneration according to the confirmed number of participants stated in the Contract.
4.4. If the date of the Event changes from the originally confirmed date stated in the Contract, the Operator is entitled to invoice all additional costs arisen from this change to the Client.
4.5. The Client is not entitled to bring in own food and drinks to the Event. Any exclusion must be agreed in advance in written with the Operator.
4.6. In case that the Client does not pay for meals and drinks for all Event participants, the Client shall be liable for their payment.
4.7. The Client is obliged to arrange for all permits and licenses needed for organisation of the Event.
4.8. In case that the Event lasts longer than to 12 midnight, the Operator is entitled to request the Client to pay an extra fee for the services starting from 12 midnight, unless the agreed remuneration for the Event considers duration of the Event later than on 12 midnight.
4.9. The Client is responsible for safe technical and legal condition of the equipment brought by the Client to the Hotel. The Client is entitled to bring to the Hotel and to use in the Hotel only such devices and equipment that are in perfect technical condition and have a certificate of conformity according to legislation of the Slovak Republic. The Client is liable for any and all damages caused by operation of the Client’s equipment in the Hotel.
4.10. The Client is obliged to use the rented premises of the Hotel duly in the scope corresponding to their nature and function and in compliance with the purpose of their rental to the Client, and to hand over them to the Operator after the end of the Event in the condition as they were taken over considering the usual wear. In case that a damage to the premises is found out at the handover of the premises after the end of the Event that were not notified by the Client at takeover of the premises, it is considered that this damage was caused by the Client.
4.11. The Client is obliged to clear out all brought articles (exhibition items, scenery, decoration, flowers etc.) immediately, not later than within 2 (two) hours after the end of the Event. In case that the Client fails to do so, the Operator is entitled to clear out the premises on the Client’s costs.
4.12. The Client is obliged to keep and fulfil all obligations resulting from the generally binding legal regulations, including but not limited to industrial health and safety rules, material protection, fire protection and environmental protection etc. in the place of the Event. The Client takes the responsibility for the management of the work and the industrial health and safety of all Event participants.
4.13. The Client is not entitled to make any changes or modifications of the Hotel premises without previous written approval of the Operator.
4.14. The Client is obliged to protect the property of the Operator and the Hotel premises against damage and in case of a threat of a damage, the Client is obliged to act to prevent it in the manner corresponding to the circumstances.
4.15. Unless agreed otherwise in any particular case, based on the confirmed order (concluded Contract), the Operator shall issue an advance invoice amounted to 30% of the price of the ordered goods and services with the due date 5 days from its issuance. The rest of the price shall be paid based on the invoice issued according to the actual account.
4.16. The confirmed order regarding the Event is binding both for the Operator and the Client. In case of cancellation of the Event as a whole or cancellation of a part of ordered (confirmed by the Contract) services related to the Event by the Client, the Operator is entitled to require the Client to pay the cancellation fee as follows:
i. If the Event is cancelled as a whole or a part of ordered (confirmed by the Contract) services is cancelled earlier than thirty days before the date of the Event, i.e. before midnight of the thirty-first day before the date of the Event, the cancellation fee is amounted to 30% of the price of the ordered (confirmed by the Contract) services or the price of the cancelled part of the ordered (confirmed by the Contract) services;
ii. If the Event is cancelled as a whole or a part of ordered (confirmed by the Contract) services is cancelled later than 30 days but earlier than 14 days before the date of the Event, i.e. in the period between 0:01 of the thirtieth day and midnight of the fourteenth day before the date of the Event, the cancellation fee is amounted to 50% of the price of the ordered (confirmed by the Contract) services or the price of the cancelled part of the ordered (confirmed by the Contract) services;
iii. If the Event is cancelled as a whole or a part of ordered (confirmed by the Contract) services is cancelled later than 13 days before the date of the Event, i.e. from 0:01 of the thirteenth day before the date of the Event, the cancellation fee is amounted to 100% of the price of the ordered (confirmed by the Contract) services or the price of the cancelled part of the ordered (confirmed by the Contract) services;
5.1. The Gastro Operator provides the Client with delivery of Gastro Services, especially in the form of delivery of ready-made food for canteens based on orders confirmed by the Operator (Contracts), while the agreement of the Gastro Operator and the Client in the form of confirmation of the order (conclusion of Contract) shall be made not later than 3 working days before the planned delivery of Gastro Services, unless agreed otherwise.
5.2. Unless agreed otherwise in any particular case, based on the confirmed order, the Gastro Operator shall issue an advance invoice amounted to 30% of the price of the ordered goods and services with the due date 5 days from its issuance, while the advance payment must be paid on the day of Gastro Service provision at latest. The rest of the price for the Gastro Services shall be paid based on the invoice issued according to the actual account.
5.3. The confirmed orders for Gastro Services are binding both for the Gastro Operator and the Client. In case of cancellation of the booking by the Client, the Gastro Operator is entitled to require the Client to pay the cancellation fee as follows:
i. If the order is cancelled earlier than 10 days before provision of the Gastro Services, i.e. before midnight of the eleventh day before the provision of the Gastro Services, the cancellation fee amounts to EUR 0;
ii. If the order is cancelled later than 10 days but earlier than 7 days before the date of the provision of the Gastro Services, i.e. in the period between 0:01 of the tenth day and midnight of the eighth day before the provision of the Gastro Services, the cancellation fee is amounted to 30% of the price of the ordered Gastro Services (confirmed by the Contract) or the price of the cancelled part of the ordered Gastro Services (confirmed by the Contract);
iii. If the order is cancelled later than 7 days but earlier than 3 days before the date of the provision of the Gastro Services, i.e. in the period between 0:01 of the seventh day and midnight of the fourth day before the date of the provision of the Gastro Services, the cancellation fee is amounted to 50% of the price of the ordered Gastro Services (confirmed by the Contract) or the price of the cancelled part of the ordered Gastro Services (confirmed by the Contract);
iv. If the order is cancelled later than 3 days before provision of the Gastro Services, i.e. after 0:01 of the third day before the provision of the Gastro Services, the cancellation fee amounts to 100% of the price of the ordered Gastro Services (confirmed by the Contract) or the price of the cancelled part of the ordered Gastro services (confirmed by the Contract).
5.4. The Gastro Operator prepares an offer of assortment of food and drinks based on the season and availability of ingredients but despite that it is still possible that specific goods cannot be delivered. Due to the above mentioned reason, the Gastro Operator reserves the right for exchange of goods and ingredients for the identically valuable products.
5.5. The Gastro Operator reserves the right to modify the price at any change regarding the ordered Gastro Services.
5.6. Any change of number of guests can be made not later than 3 days before the planned date of delivery of the Gastro Services. The volume of the ordered Gastro Services can be increased only with a written consent of the Gastro Operator.
6.1. The Client is obliged to pay the price for the provided services to the Gastro Operator according to the valid pricelist of services, unless agreed otherwise, namely in cash, by a payment card accepted by the Hotel, or by a bank transfer to the Operator’s bank account.
6.2. The prices quoted in the pricelist are final and inclusive value added tax, unless stated otherwise in any particular case.
6.3. The Operator is entitled to ask for a reasonable advance payment at the conclusion of Contract.
6.4. Unless agreed otherwise, the price for performance of Services is payable on the day of taxable supply.
6.5. In case of delay of the Client with the payment of the price for the Services, the Operator becomes entitled to a delay interest amounted to 0.05% of the delayed amount per each day of the delay. The right of the Operator for a damage compensation in the full scope is not affected thereby.
6.6. For payment of the cancellation fee, the Operator is entitled to use the Client’s card used as a guarantee at the booking or order of the Services from the Operator.
7.1. The Operator is entitled to withdraw from the Contract in cases stipulated in respective legal regulations, Contract and these GTC, especially:
i. If it is not possible to perform by the Operator due to force majeure;
ii. If it is not possible to perform by the Operator due to a measure and/or decision of a public authority that objectively prevents the Operator from performance resulting from the contract (including decisions and measures taken in relation to protection of the public against spreading of COVID-19 disease or another transmittable disease),
iii. The Client has given incorrect or untrue data on essential data that have impact on the performance of the contract obligation;
iv. The Client uses the business name of the Operator or the name of the Hotel without previous written consent of the Operator;
v. The Client harms goodwill of the Operator or endangers the operation or safety of the Hotel;
vi. If the Client is in delay with payment of any payables to the Operator for more than 10 days,
vii. If the Client fails to pay the advance payment pursuant to paragraph 3.3 and/or 4.15 and/or 5.2 or 6.3 of the GTC duly and timely.
7.2. The withdrawal from the Contract is effective on the moment of the notice delivery to the counterparty.
8.1. The Operator is liable for any damage caused to the Client by breaching of Operator’s obligations up to the sum of payment agreed in the Contract concluded with the Client.
8.2. The Operator is responsible for damage of items brought to the Hotel by the Client solely in the case that these items have been brought to areas for accommodation or have been stored in a dedicated area, or have been taken to custody by the Operator based on an issued receipt. The Client is obliged to store valuables in the safe box located in the hotel room, otherwise the Operator takes no responsibility for them. Responsibility for items brought in is governed by respective provisions of Act No. 40/1964 Coll. (Civil Code), as amended.
8.3. The Operator shall not be held responsible for damage occurred to the Client as a consequence of a Contract extinction according to par. 7.1 of these GTC.
8.4. If the Client forgets anything in the Hotel premises, the Operator shall follow the valid legal regulations.
8.5. The Client is liable for all damages caused in the Hotel by breaching his/her obligations and/or acting/failure to act or omission to act by a third party staying in the Hotel based on the contract relation between the Operator and the Client.
9.1. The Client must not accommodate pets in the Hotel. Entrance of pets to the Hotel, including restaurant, café and premises where food and drinks are served is prohibited.
9.2. Smoking in the Hotel is allowed only at designated places.
10.1. For the cases that are not regulated by these GTC or the Contract, the rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties are governed by the legal regulation of the Slovak Republic, especially the respective provisions of Act No. 513/1991 Coll. (Commercial Code), as amended.
10.2. All disputes arisen between Contracting Parties are to be solved by the Contracting Parties preferably in amicable way.
10.3. In case that the Contracting Parties cannot find an agreement regarding legal relations created based on the contract and these GTC, the courts of the Slovak Republic are authorised to decide.
10.4. Should any provisions of these GTC are ineffective or invalid at the time of their acceptance or become ineffective or invalid later, the validity and effect of other provisions of these GTC is not affected.
10.5. The Operator is entitled to modify and amend the GTC any time, as needed and at the Operator’s sole discretion, while the modifications and amendments are effective towards the Clients from their effective day.
10.6. These GTC become valid and effective on 01/05/2021.
1. According to the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as „Regulation“) and according to the Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of the personal data (hereinafter referred to as an „Act“) the term Controller means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria for its nomination may be provided for by Union or Member State law. According to the Regulation the term Data subject means identified or identifiable natural person, personal data of which are subject to the processing by Controller.
2. Controller is a business company FORESPO PÁLENICA a. s., with its seat Karloveská 34, 841 04 Bratislava, IČO: 47 232 978, registered in Business Register of Regional Court Bratislava I, Register: Sa, Insert no.: 5225/B (hereinafter referred to as “Controller”), which is the sole owner and controller of the Business Hotel ASTRUM Laus. The term Client means each natural person which enters into an Agreement with the Controller in order to receive services from Controller regarding the Hotel services (hereinafter referred to as “Data subject”).
3. The purpose of the processing of personal data of the Data subject:
3.1. fulfilment of the Contract between the Controller and the Data subject, and
3.2. sending Newsletter to the Data subject (hereinafter referred to as “Newsletter”)
4. The legal basis for the processing of personal data under Para 3 letter a) is according to the Art. 6 Para 1 letter b) of the Regulation is processing necessary for the performance of a contract to which the Data subject is party.
5. The legal basis for the processing of personal data under Para 3 letter b) is according to the Art. 6 Para 1 letter a) of the Regulation is given consent to the processing of his or her personal data.
6. The Controller executes the processing of the personal data of the Data subject to a small extent, i. e. name, surname and e-mail address of the Data subject.
7. The Controller does not intend to transfer personal data to a third country nor to the international organization.
8. The period for which the personal data will be stored is subject to a valid legal acts of Slovak republic and to the purpose of the processing. Controller is obliged to delete all Personal data of the Data subject immediately after there is no longer the purpose of the processing.
9. Data subject is entitled to a right to request from the Controller access to and rectification or erasure of personal data. Data subject is entitled to a right to restriction of processing concerning the Data subject. Data subject is entitled to a right to object to processing as well as the right to data portability.
10. Data subject is entitled to claim their rights by emailing the contact person of the Controller
11. Data subject is entitled to a right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority which is the Authority for the protection of the personal data of the Slovak republic (Úrad na ochranu osobných údajov SR).
12. The Controller hereby declares that there is no automated decision-making, including profiling present in the processing of the personal data of the Data subject.